A Little of this . . .and a Little of That

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Paddie's Day!
Wish you were here - so I could give you a cookie!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Happy Birthday!!
Al & KyeLee!


Heather & Butch

Hastings, KyeLin, KyeAnne & Greysea


Hastings, trying to get his sister to move, by riding on her back :)

Victor & Greysea
Chad, Sydney, Victor, Amanda, Brenda & Preston
Max's little eyes
Preston & Brenda

Chad & Sydney

Victor & Amanda

KyeLee - the birthday girl, Riley and Justine in first pic.
Skye was cooking chicken - some of my kids in the background.

Mindy, My mom and Jacob
Birthday Boy, Al with KyeLin
Anniche, KyeLin and Al