A Little of this . . .and a Little of That

Saturday, March 08, 2008

This happened on Thursday.

OK, today I've have a hard and wearing day at the Doctor's office at Hill Field. I have a pain in my chest (11 weeks now) that won't go away. All I know is that it's not my heart.

So, I go to jump on the freeway to go home. Since when is the turning-left lane driver got the right of way? The answer, is when it is a bigger vehicle - like a moving truck! Well, the huge truck squeezed me out of the lane entry, with a big SUV right on my back-side, squeezing, too. I wouldn't let her in, she kept pushing me all the way, I'd move over a lane, and so would she. I try not to be a competitive driver, but some things just make me mad. Well, she started swerving in and out of traffic.

I'm driving along, and the highway patrol puts the lights on - right behind me. I pulled over to the other lane, and he passed me. WOW, what a relief that was. We (Bren & boys were with me) watched as he pulled the rude SUV driver over in a trucker parking place, and I'm sure she got a ticket. Bren said that it was one of the first times she's ever really seen a cop when you needed one!

It was a good day driving.


  • That's pretty funny (that MAYBE she got a ticket). But just remember WWJD :) Imagine if you were walking somewhere and "walked" like you drove, sometimes it's nice to let people in front of you, even they are A-Holes :) Americans are very competitive, if we merged like they do in Norway it would ALWAYS be 1 car from 1 lane, 1 car from the other (like a zipper), but here it is always who has the right-of-way. Anyway, Sometimes drivers get the best of me too (so I'm not preachin'), but it is nice to be "vindicated" once in a while by an observant Highway Patrol person---Just make sure it isn't you getting pulled over next time :) Love ya!!

    By Blogger D. SKye Hodges, At 11:11 PM  

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