A Little of this . . .and a Little of That

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What is one of the craziest things to do in the winter?  
Chick-fil-a grand opening parking lot camping!!

SKye, Preston and veterans Brenda, Justine, Riley and Max 
talked me into doing the crazies with them.

If more than 100 people show up for these things, there 
is a drawing.  There was about 135.  Drawing time.
SKye was number 19.  Oh, a good thing about having 
your ticket drawn, you got to go into the warm building.
SKye took the kids inside with him.  Pres was number 36.
I was number 59 and Bren was 87.  My heart was pounding 
like crazy until her number was drawn!

This took place on February 27-28.  It was for a freezing 
24 hours!!  The high that day was 18 degrees.

We all got mugs and could have all of the hot chocolate, 
we wanted most all of the day.

SKye has lots of camping equipment, including heaters.
I would have been dead without them.  He brought a tent, 
lots of mats and heavy-duty sleeping bags.  I brought a 
couple of chairs and some blankets and pillows.  Bren 
and Pres had lots of stuff, too, 

The good thing about the parking lot camp is that you 
really don't need to bring any food.  Chick-fil-a fed us 
three meals that day.  Mimi's restaurant brought over 
muffins in the mid morning.  The Sweet Tooth Fairy 
provided each of us with one of their famous cup cakes.

So, when we went to go to sleep that night, the heaters 
didn't fit in the tent with all of us.  We were under the 
brightest Broadway light, and it was cold.  Bren & Pres 
and fam all fit into 2 sleeping bags zipped together.  They 
were sort of as snug as a bug - in a rug.  

There were no worries about sleeping in!  About 5:15 a.m. 
there was a huge blast of some cheery song to wake us 
all up!  We lined up, got our prize of 52 meal tickets and 
then started taking down our tents as fast as possible to 
have the lot ready for their 6:30 a.m. opening.

I don't know that I will ever go to another opening, but 
it gave me an appreciation for those who do.  I hope 
someday some of my grandkids think I'm a fun grandma.

We were very blessed to all be able to win.  As we have all heard before, "Winner, winner.  Chicken dinner!"

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